2025 Junior Registration
Please ensure that you register your child/children through the following PlayHQ link:
The sign-up process should be quicker than in previous years for those who have a PlayHQ account. Please double check your child's date of birth is correct, and when asked for your child's Year Level, please enter their current year level at school (not what level of hockey they wish to play).
If you are new to Southern United and using PlayHQ for the first time, you will need to set up a
PlayHQ account to be able to register your children. This can be done from the registration
link. above Parents will need to set themselves up as the “Account Holder” before setting up their
Please note that our Junior players are registered as “Participant to Club” as we allocate them
to a team in PlayHQ once numbers are finalised.
Payment Options
Your subscription includes most of the costs associated with playing and training:
Affiliation Fees - for both Canterbury Hockey Association and Hockey New Zealand.
Match Fees, Turf Hire, and Practice Fees – Canterbury Hockey Association
Southern United administration fees – which includes uniform and equipment
replacement and other costs associated with the club.
We offer a 10% discount for two or more children registered in the same family – this will
appear when you register and pay for the second child in PlayHQ.
We offer three payment options:
Credit Card – on the last page of registration please select the grade you are registering your child for and complete with credit card payment. Please note that if you are registering more than one child, each registration is a separate credit card transaction in PlayHQ.
Internet Banking – this option has $0.00 value in PlayHQ so you will need to pay the relevant amount for your child’s grade. Please pay your sub directly to SUHC Bank account: 03-0855-0393954-00. Please use your surname, first name and grade as reference.
Payment Plan – this option has $0.00 value in PlayHQ - we acknowledge that the current economic climate is making it harder for parents to pay subscriptions up front, with this in mind we are offering a payment plan option again this year. Please email treasurer@suhc.co.nz to set up your payment plan if you select this option at the time of registration.
Please note: Players with outstanding subs from last season will not be allowed to play for
Southern United until a payment plan is agreed and will not be able to transfer to another club
until paid in full.
For up to date info on what our junior club is up to check out our Facebook page